Video EP

Howdy! I recently completed a 5 song EP of stripped down versions of new tunes. Realizing that audio just ain't enough for the cluttered minds of our overstimulated species, I opted to have the making of said foray filmed in a somewhat fancy way. The result is basically a live recording utilizing no overdubs or other studio trickery. Not that I don't love that stuff and all the sonic rewards it offers, but this was a challenge I wanted to overcome. In the meantime I'm falling into just the opposite with recording fleshed out versions of these numbers as well as several others. Check out the videos here. I'll be uploading the others one at a time in the very near future, so please check back. The series was filmed and directed by the always cheery Mr. Marty Robbins. Oh, and please like the vids and subscribe to my Youtube channel if you are so inclined. Much appreciated...   


New Things in the 18


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